Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 7. Part 1: Sample Activity for a One-Computer Classroom

Hello everyone!

As we have faced problems with Nicenet the last two days, I decided to post the second part of my discussion assignment in my blog this week. The following consists in designing a sample activity where learner autonomy is promoted through a one-computer activity.

Sample Activity
Using the computer as multi-media work chalk board.

10   graduate students of the subject “Teaching English Language Skills”.

After reading individually the suggested material for this class, the students have to form small groups (2-3 people). Then, each group will discuss the differences between writing and composing in a second language.  After discussing, each group will work in a cooperative way taking different roles (typer, reader, leader) while using the type processor of a computer to state one difference between writing and composing.  Each group will take turns to accomplish this task. Once all differences are stated in the chart, the teacher will connect the computer to a projector and show the chart to the whole class for discussion.

Behavioral Objective
After discussing the suggested reading material in small groups, students will fill in a computer chart cooperatively by taking roles (typer, reader, leader) stating one difference between writing and composing in a second language.

The current activity aims to facilitate an autonomous learning experience to graduate students of the subject “Teaching English Language Skills” through the implementation of a one-computer class. This activity will engage learners into a cooperative work and demand them to play a pro-active function when making their arguments on writing and composing. Each member of the group has to establish his/her own ideas while discussing. Then when using the computer, each student will take a role. The latter allows them to take a responsibility in the group while they do the task.  It increases their self-esteem and motivation while using their knowledge on language learning. In most of the cases, the computer will act as a not punishing instructor, which does not evaluate the students' performance and allows them to use a series of learning styles and strategies. In addition, this activity promotes decision-making and critical thinking, two of the objectives of autonomous learning.

I hope you like it.




  1. Hi Mary

    Your sample activity is very interesting.You have selected a very appropriate picture too.



  2. Thank you, Raj!!

    Your feedback is quite invigorating to me!

    Thanks a lot!!!
